Liberty Memes

Ron Paul: We Have Free Speech So That We Can Say Very Controversial Things

  “We don’t have freedom of speech so we can talk about the weather.  We have the 1st Amendment so that we can say very controversial things.” – Ron Paul   “If you don’t protect #Liberty across the board… if you have inconsistency then you’re really not defending liberty” –@RonPaul #FreeSpeech — WearsMyLiberty (@WearsMyLiberty) […]

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Ron Paul Birthday

Happy 82nd Birthday Ron Paul!

  Join us in wishing a very Happy Birthday to Dr. Ron Paul on his 82nd birthday! Along with many of you, we wouldn’t be where we are today if it weren’t for Dr. Paul’s tireless work spreading the message of liberty – and in the process changing the lives of millions of people around the […]

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[GIF] Lindsey Graham Rolls Eyes At Rand Paul’s Objections To Patriot Act Extension

Senator Lindsey Graham (Neocon – SC) did not look amused as Rand Paul repeatedly objected to temporary extensions of the Patriot Act. [GIF] Lindsey Graham’s eyeroll as @RandPaul objects to extensions of the Patriot Act #ExpireThePatriotAct #iObject — WearsMyLiberty (@WearsMyLiberty) May 24, 2015

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Ron Swanson On Starting A Business

“Whatever happened to, – ‘Hey, I have some apples, would you like to buy them?’ – ‘Yes! Thank you!’ That’s as complicated as it should be to open a business in this country.”  – Ron Swanson Two people engaged in a private, voluntary exchange should not need to first ask for a permission slip from […]

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Ron Paul: End The IRS And Replace It With Nothing

Click here for this image on Facebook “When I say cut taxes, I don’t mean fiddle with the code. I mean abolish the income tax and the IRS, and replace them with nothing.” – Ron Paul Spread the message on Twitter: Whats better than paying a tax preparer to “get our billions back”? Not having […]

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